MLB The Show 24: Players Hope for Revolutionary Changes on Road to the Show

MLB The Show 24: Players Hope for Revolutionary Changes on Road to the Show

Road to the Show (RTTS) used to be one of the best career modes in MLB, however the performance of this mode in recent years has disappointed many fans. As the release date of MLB The Show 24 approaches, many players have offered their thoughts on the game, including the hope that Road to the Show will change.

Desired Features and Enhancements

Players have articulated a variety of features they wish to see implemented in MLB The Show 24's RTTS mode, aiming to enrich the gameplay experience and bring it closer to the real-life journey of a professional baseball player. These include:

  1. Option to Retire: Players seek the ability to retire their character, adding a realistic end to their career journey, complete with a Hall of Fame ceremony if their career merits it.
  2. Interactions with Management: Enhanced dialogue options with the manager and general manager, allowing for more strategic career decisions and potentially influencing gameplay opportunities.
  3. Agent Communication: The ability to talk to your agent on-demand, offering more control over contract negotiations and career moves.
  4. Tracking Personal Achievements: A more detailed record of personal achievements and milestones to celebrate the player's career progress.
  5. In-Game Dynamics: Features like being able to charge the mound or be ejected for a more dynamic and unpredictable gameplay experience.
  6. Increased Realism: Introducing more errors and unpredictable moments, such as outfielders dropping fly balls, to reflect the imperfections of real-world baseball.

Community Feedback and Realism

The community's feedback underscores a desire for a more nuanced and realistic portrayal of a baseball player's career. Players express a longing for the game to evolve beyond its current state, incorporating elements that reflect the complexities and unpredictability of professional sports. For instance, the ability to engage more deeply with team dynamics, such as building relationships with teammates or even developing rivalries, could significantly enhance the sense of immersion.

Moreover, the call for more realistic gameplay mechanics, such as the introduction of errors, speaks to a broader desire for a game that mirrors the unpredictability and challenges of real baseball. Players argue that such features would not only make the game more engaging but also more challenging and rewarding.


As MLB The Show 24's release approaches, the player community's wishlist highlights a collective aspiration for an RTTS mode that offers deeper immersion, enhanced realism, and greater player agency. By addressing these desires, San Diego Studio has the opportunity to redefine the sports simulation genre, offering players an unparalleled baseball career experience that mirrors the highs and lows of professional baseball. Whether these changes will be implemented remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: players are eager for a Road to the Show mode that truly lets them live out their baseball dreams.

Related: MLB The Show 24: Top 10 Wishlist Features for Baseball Fans


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